Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Lower Dan Tien | Manipura Chakra

The Lower Dantian, also known as the "elixer field" or "sea of chi", is regarded as the center of physical strength and the source of stamina and origins of our lower animal instincts. It is located in the lower abdominal area about 3 finger  widths bellow the navel , and its energetic boundary is positioned in the shape of a triangle, formed by drawing a line between the navel, Mingmen (lower back), and perineum. These three points form an energetic pyramid, facing downward. This special configuration allows the Lower Dantian to naturally gather and absorb the various Five Element energies from the Earth.

The Lower Dantian collects Earth Qi, is associated with jing (Essence), and supports the first field of the body's external Weiqi (Protective Energy) field. This level of Protective Qi circulates outside the body, extending  roughly one inch beyond the body's tissues. As the Lower Dantian increases in its content of Qi, the stronger more expansive, and thicker, the body's Weiqi field becomes.

The Lower Dantian acts as a reservoir for storing heat and vibration, and is associated with both the External Kidneys (testes), and the Internal Kidneys (Kidney Organs). The body's Prenatal Essence (Yuan Jing), which determines its constitutional strengths and vitality, is stored within the Lower Dantian, and interacts with the Kidney Qi in order to form Kidney Jing

Through focused concentration and meditation, the ]ing (Essence) within the Lower Dantian can be refined and transformed in order to produce Qi (Energy). When sufficient heat is generated in the Lower Dantian as a result of stoking the fire,  mixing with the Kidney Water, the alchemical transformation of ]ing in the Lower Dantian area causes the water of the Jing to turn into steam (Qi), This is one reason why the modern character for Qi is composed of the image of steam rising from rice that is bursting and decomposing . This alchemical transformation is known as "changing Jing into Qi:' and takes place within the Lower Dantian and forms the foundation of many Taoist and Buddhist Neigong systems

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